Great article. Nice to see I am about to chip into the 0.7% with my self published book that is only relevant to the UK.

Tiago already had a massive following and great profile in the game.

I have studied his BASB book launch and it appears that it was mostly done by himself. The launch videos on YouTube are very good and a launch case study.

All the big trad publishers in the UK have battered down my door trying to get their hands on my books. Every time I say no.

I’ve been a self publisher for thirty years. Sales are made by strategic marketing, so you want to succeed, then nail that baby down!

Every single thing Tiago claims his trad publisher does for him, can be done by you, but some of those things can only be achieved with a shit ton of cash.

And his book, even though it’s published by trad, still isn’t anything special. The quality is so so.

To succeed you cannot be timid, you need to trust in yourself and have the balls to seize the market.

And that is where most authors fail. The marketplace can get pretty dirty and on the street, fights can break out. So you gotta be able to take some punches and throw some.

The timid might be better off going trad. Just don’t whine when you end up broke and they drop you after 3 months for their next love child.

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Hi Robin

Thanks for the comment.

Congrats on the books....I had a quick look on Amazon (uk of course) and saw your books. The last line of your post about Trad Pub books having a shelf life is something that I never got chance to talk about as the post was starting to get long. (And I like to write long.....but do try and rein things in from time to time!)

Be interested at talking at some stage about your thoughts on strategic marketing! But I see you're off to India....maybe when you get back! Have a great trip.


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I’m slowly removing my print KDP as I use Bookvault and need Amazon to show case my imprint instead of their own.

I sell far more direct than playing the KDP roller-coaster game. However, direct selling does feed into increasing KDP sales without the need to buy Amazon ads etc. but that’s a whole other discussion.

More than happy to talk strategic marketing for authors.

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Would love to chat about that....I have my own thoughts but would be great to share notes with another Self Pub author. Wherabouts in the UK are you based? (I"m based in Cheltenham).

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Just down the road from you in Exeter, Devon.

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Let’s pick this up again when I get back in March

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Love to. Have a safe trip.

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