I can’t stand writing rules. They kill my creativity. I always wonder how the great writers managed before the social construct called ‘writing coaches’ turned up to fleece us for as much cash as possible.

I write until I run out of steam. Which is usually around the 300 word mark. But I do that every day.

I’m still trying to up my daily word count to 500. That was good enough for Graham Greene and Ernest Hemingway, so certainly good enough for me.

Checkout the riotous book on writing practice called Release The Bats by DBC Pierre. Stephen King and John McPhee would cringe 😉.

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300 words every day is still pretty respectable...circa 110K words a year. That's enough for a chunky fiction novel...or 3 to 5 non fiction books, depending on what kind of books and what kind of content.

The bottom line for every writer is that they need to find what works for them....and forget everyone else.

Oh. But write every day.

The post wasn't suggesting everyone should aim to write 1000 words a day. That's my target and the post tells how I'm going to get there.

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No, I know, I was having a curmudgeonly day. I blame my age. Each to their own as you say.

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And if only George R R MArtin would commit to even 200 words a day.....in the last 10 years that would be 730,000 words. Surely more than enough to finish the A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE saga!

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